Payment Methods


Online credit card payment (Paypal) - You can pay online immediately using Visa or MasterCard.
Mastercard Visa

For international orders, you can only select to pay in Australian Dollar (AUD)
All transactions are settled in Australian Dollars (AUD).  The conversion rate varies from day to day with the current exchange rate and many banks also charge a small currency conversion fee.  The final charge to your card is made in Australian Dollars and the ultimate conversion rate is determined by your bank or credit provider.

Credit card transactions are processed real-time by Paypal payment gateway and are guaranteed safe and secure.

We recommend using online credit card payment to expedite processing and delivery of your order.

E-Banking access (Bank Deposit)

There will be options to pay via bank deposit:

From Westpac
Account Name : Cindy Saw Hoon Law
Branch Name : Box Hill
BSB/Account No: 033172/138429

Account Name : Cindy Saw Hoon Law
Branch Name : Box Hill
BSB/Account No: 063109/10999654

We encourage customer to use e-banking because it’s the most fastest and convenient way.

You MUST e.mail Proof of Payment in order for me to acknowledge receipt of your payment.

NO notification via SMS or MMS please. Email only so we can keep a record of all payments made for future reference.

What is proof of payment?

Online Banking : Highlight, copy and paste the successful transaction screen.

ATM Cash Deposit : Scan OR take a digital photo of the deposit slip and attach it via email


The Bank's Online system does not tell us the identity of the payor, so proof is necessary so that there is evidence of payment made and serves to protect you in case of a bank error or dispute of any kind. Please ADHERE to these policies.

For more information about Payment Methods, kindly email to